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Round table: En situation d’itinérance
First roundtable discussion on the topics of homelessness and the housing crisis in Montreal
Tuesday April, 5 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Place : Online

This round table will elaborate on the housing crisis in Montreal and on people experiencing homelessness. The title of this discussion emphasizes the idea of evolution and movement, both physical, in space, but also, more abstractly, of a human trajectory. The people gathered around this round table will express themselves on the question of homelessness and will be interested in artistic practices with a social and/or educational scope. This discussion will allow a reflection on art as a vector of social change and as a mediator in a process of reconstruction.

What are the possible ways in which the artistic community can be involved with people experiencing homelessness? How can art enable the recognition and inclusion of marginalized people? (Discussion in French)

Leader: Kassandra Reynolds
Participants: MeyerMétivier DesignHaus, Caroline Blais and Annie Roy

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